Meet Mourad Daoudi Founder of ART DAOUDI Gallery in Switzerland.

ART DAOUDI is a miracle!

It is a place where Art and Life mingle. A place where art lovers meet and inspire each other. It is an open, welcoming, and generous place, like its founder Mourad Daoudi.

Art Daoudi is more than an Art Gallery. It is a center of expression and experience of art and life …
There is as much room for the visionary and disturbing work of the Franco Vietnamese Artist Boun as for the object shaped with love by Master Cabinetmaker Bernard M or to a fruitful collaboration between Architect Chafik and painter Caruso.

Designed as a place of life and experience, ART DAOUDI brings together and supports a choice of exceptional artists from very different horizons with unique visions and intervening in various media. No limit, neither subject, nor means, nor dimension is imposed on them.

Mourad Daoudi assumes this eclecticism.
He chooses his artists by heart and engages with them body and soul, for absolute support.

He created Art Daoudi to be the place of their artistic expression and the space for the promotion of their talent to a select demanding international audience.

Mourad Daoudi began his career as an Art dealer. His rigor, his sincerity and his benevolence gradually made his reputation as a serious and reliable man. He is a man of his word as the Berbers say, his ancestors whose memory he often summons full of wisdom. This earned him the respect and trust of large-scale collectors and enthusiasts around the world.

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