Partnership with Alhassan Foundation for Differently Abled Inclusion

Partnership with Alhassan Foundation for Differently Abled Inclusion

After a tragic car accident in 2011 that resulted in an 18-year-old young teenager being a wheelchair user; his mother along with a group of 13 friends decided to make a difference when it comes to physical disability in Egypt and the Middle East after the challenges they faced and still are.

Nowadays, AlHassan Foundation is a Proudly Disabled People’s Organization (DPO), as more than 50% of the board members are wheelchair users, in addition to over 70% of the foundation’s employees are permanent wheelchair users. Alhassan serves humans with physical challenges (mainly wheelchair users) through 8 developmental projects offered in all of Egypt’s 27 governorates and leading the DIFFERENTLY ABLED persons to the ultimate level of physical & financial independence.

On July 6th, 2022, Anwar Elkamony signed a protocol of cooperation between the worldwide campaign Hope Giver and the Alhassan Foundation for Differently Abled Inclusion for the Integration of Those Who Can Differ, as part of our endeavor to integrate and accept all physical differences, giving hope to all persons with disabilities, and prove that disability does not prevent a person from succeeding and achieving.

Future events will include table tennis and basketball matches, marathons, motivational conferences and art & craft workshops.

“Hope is not a dream, but a way to make a dream come true.”

During 2022, of the Hope Giver Campaign, Al Hassan Foundation, participated in many activities aimed at raising awareness of the rights of those who are able to differ, the importance of integrating and accepting all physical differences, giving hope to all persons with disabilities, and proving that disability does not prevent a person from success and achievement.

May Zein ElDein

Founder & Executive Director of Alhassan Foundation

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