Time management tricks for children

A parent does not have to repeat instructions over and over to remind children to get things done on time. The constant reminder can be annoying. Nobody wants to listen to a broken record that cycles itself back in a loop. It can be tiresome to hear the same thing over and over. Some children tend to lose interest or get bogged down by the nagging. Depending on how adults deliver the reminders it can also diminish the inner drive and motivation of the child by what is said.

Giving instructions is different from following through given instructions.

To get children to do things is to inspire participation. The magic is to find a way to take an active role. Doing things and accomplishing simple tasks at time is one way to help children understand the passage and value of time. For very young children, set a routine gradually introducing them to establish a set schedule of daily activities.

Coaching and guiding children is a process of drawing out their inner sense of order. It reinforces their ability to make choices and weight outcomes. Little steps that are consistent can lead to stability. Over time, children master simple tasks and are ready to perform much more challenging roles. Teach children to plan. Taking ownership of tasks and over time management happen when our kids view themselves as fully capable and not requiring help. Taking ownership gives a sense of fulfilment.

Creating their own calendars can be fun. When setting and planning a daily schedule. Identifying activities and allocating time orients a child. It can be used as a time to share bonding moments.

Conversation is a two-way process. Allow the child to share her thoughts and act as a caring outsider providing guidance and support. Be there for the child, see her through the decisions and choices made. As they grow older, they show facts and then step back. Give enough space to allow them to make choices—good or bad—for themselves. Whatever the outcome, just be there to help them see through neither put them down for less desirable outcomes.

Making big decisions in the future adult life goes a long way. There is a time when you can choose for a child but it is also helpful to remember that children appreciate being able to make a choice and choose their own preference. Independence is earned, learned and achieved.

How to manage time is a skill that is closely related to knowing one’s task?

For simple and smaller tasks, have children pick a time to work with and with guidance. Reinforce good behavior with no criticism. Remember that the measure of excellence is not based on adult standards but rather on the child’s progress. Time management means managing myself.

Maria Lourdes A. de Vera

Growing up is a journey to cherish not a burden to drag.

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